Bird & Wild Organic Instant Coffee
Bird & Wild 100% Arabica Fairtrade Organic Instant Coffee - the RSPB's official coffee - 6% of all sales are donated to the RSPB Charity. This coffee is made from organic and fairtrade bird-friendly shade grown coffee.
What is Bird Friendly Coffee?
The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center in the United States has developed the only 100% Organic and Shade Grown coffee certification in the world called Bird Friendly Certification.
Buying Bird & Wild guarantees that every bean is produced organically and under high-quality shade, ensuring tropical "agroforests" are preserved and migratory birds find a healthy haven when they travel from northern climes to those faraway farms producing the beans. The coffee is also fair trade ensuring growers are paid a fair price for the coffee they grow. Every cup of Bird Friendly coffee you drink encourages more farmers to grow in the shade, which is good for birds and for people.
You can find out more here
100g, vegan, organic, fair trade, bird friendly.
Ingredients: Organic freeze-dried Arabica coffee