Vegan Lunch Recipe: Tofu & Kimchi Bibimbap Bowl

Posted by Alfie Austin on

Fabulous for lunch, this dish is quick, easy, healthy and a taste sensation! We can’t get enough of kimchi – the gut-friendly fermented food from Korea – we love Loving Foods’ version, it’s perfect for a health kick and adds an extra taste dimension to any meal. 

Serves: 4
Prep time: 30min
(21g protein per serving)


Optional garnishes, choose from –


  • Start by peeling and chopping the onions, wash and slice the pepper and carrots into thin batons.
  • Peel and finely chop the garlic and ginger. Finely slice the chilli, leaving the seeds for more spice or removing for less.
  • Wash and drain the bag of kale. This may seem like a lot of kale but this dish is all about the greens and the kale will reduce when cooking.
  • Next rinse the rice and place in a saucepan – double quantity of water to rice so if using one cup of rice add 2 cups of water. Salt the water to taste and bring to the boil, then part cover (leaving space for steam to escape) reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • After the 30 minutes check the rice, the water should be almost absorbed, if it has entirely gone and the rice is in danger of sticking to the bottom of the pan add a splash more water. At this point if the rice is almost done turn off the heat and leave to stand for 10 minutes fully covered so the rice can absorb the remaining steam.
  • While your rice is at the simmer stage, cut your tofu into cubes and place in a warm pan, on a low heat. Stir the tofu until the liquid has evaporated and the tofu is dry and starting to seal on the heat (this is to get a crispy texture).
  • Remove from the pan and add some frying oil (sunflower or rapeseed) to the pan before re-adding the tofu to fry in the pan until crispy. Add a splash of Tamari for flavour. Remove and set aside.
  • To cook your veggies - warm some frying oil in a pan and add the sliced onions, stirring the onions so they don’t become brown - add the garlic, chilli and ginger. Once the onions are softened add the carrot and pepper batons. Add a pinch of sea salt if required. Stir-fry lightly on high heat but leave some crunch and then add the kale. Keep adding until all the kale is in the pan and it is starting to reduce and fry.
  • Then you add a splash of water and put a lid on to steam your kale until it is softened but still a vibrant green colour. Once done add an extra splash of Tamari and stir through.

Now you’re ready to load your bowls! Start with the rice, then add veggies, tofu and a large serving of kimchi, then a drizzle of toasted sesame oil. Add the extra garnishes if desired in any combination - spring onions, toasted sesame seeds, coriander, Tamari and kimchi hot sauce. Dig in and enjoy!

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